Posted: March 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

My dream is to go to france and see toureiffle and also to go to amirica were place are all clean alot of fun and games are there. i want to go to a place to rid hourses i tried once it was wonderful

25 of Jan

Posted: March 2, 2011 in Uncategorized

On 25 of Jan there was a very big protest .It began with some youth .This was to changing the Government and the president .The protest began on thursday it was fired on friday as over 3 million people were in the tahir square . The army was firing in the first and a lot of people died people destroyed all the courts and all the prisoners escaped . the only way to defend  our homes is to stay down with sticks and guns to protect our houses .And in the end we caught all of the prisoners .After 2 weeks of standing strong in the protects .The presedent left 

It was an unusual day for me

Posted: December 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

When i went to my new school it was beautuful i was very happy i met my new friends(pierre & mo2nes & Nader & eyad & rashed & tazy & yossef &yahia ) . I meet my new teachers and i played footbALL AND AFTER SCHOOL i went with my friends to  club and played football  wev walked i was a good day must be remimbered

Hello world!

Posted: December 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

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